Senior Portfolio Exit Review

I had my senior portfolio exit review with my department chair, Thomas Woodruff today. It went really well; he was more than fair. He told me that I was good at what I do and that he just wanted me to “keep focused on what I’m good at.” He said I should “keep my eye on the prize and not be distracted by ‘shiny objects.’” He said that I’m an ambitious person (which is true). He also said that I had good brush work and a very clean and graphic aesthetic that he liked. My weaker points included that I sometimes “panic” and some of my drawings suffer so it’s still “inconsistent at times” but that he did like it. He approved me to submit five of my sequential pieces for the SVA Senior Cartooning/Illustration publication. I went into it dressed like a professional which I believe gave me a positive edge (picture below).
Another thing that is completely off topic: spring is absolutely lovely in NYC especially where I live, in Gramercy Park. I’ve been taking many pictures of all the stunning flowers they’ve planted and I’ve included them below.

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